Novel Patterns - MyConCall is a cloud / on-prem hosted video KYC, PD & life certificate solution. It is the Next Frontier for your customer verification processes.
Optimize your KYC processes and perform instant customer KYC with the help of video-based processes. Identify and verify customer identity over a video call with forge identity checks, face matching algorithms, and liveliness checks performed within a fraction of time.
Fully compliant with local geographies regulations (Like RBI V-CIP regulations in India).
Both On-prem and Cloud-hosted solutions with in-house streaming technology for getting rid of the call per minute based pricing.
#VideoKYC #Videodrivencustomerservices #lending #FinancialInclusion
Real-time decision-making support for KYC.
1. Video Call Driven Customer Identification with following features:
-Support of online Aadhaar verification for banks allowed to perform online Aadhaar verification
-Support of offline Aadhar verification for NBFCs, Insurance Providers, SEBI regulated entities
-PAN capture and verification
-Information extraction from documents displayed over call
-Information matching
-Information masking
-Selfie Capture
-Face matching between Selfie, POI, and POA displayed over video call
-Liveliness checks for fraud prevention
-Geo tagging
-Real-time interaction between regulated entity representative and customer
-Automated policy execution
-Reviewer and Auditor based workflow
2. On-premise as well as cloud-driven hosting
3. Video recording with full audit log
4. Optimized and cost-effective KYC process
Configurable workflow for addressing specific business lines needs
Visit the link to know more
Call us at +91-9650900223 or mail us at to book your free demo now!
Company :-Novel Patterns - Bank Statement Analysis and Banking Solution Software
User :- Anish Kumar
Mobile:- 09650900223
Url :-