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Future Electronics Is Hosting a Series of Cybersecurity Workshops in France

2025-03-27 01:40:38 Technology


Future Electronics, a leading global distributor of electronic components, is hosting a series of local Cybersecurity workshops for clients in various cities across France.

Cybersecurity is a crucial part of doing business in the electronics industry. With new worldwide regulations added to the manufacturing and distribution of electronic components, Future Electronics France decided the timing was right to organize a series of local workshops for their clients.

The first Cybersecurity workshops were hosted in Lyon. Due to popular demand for the workshop, Future Electronics hosted two editions of the event in January. Each workshop lasted a full day, from 8:30am to 5:30pm.

After the event, to equip clients with the necessary information to make a choice best suited for their specific needs, customers were able to book follow-up meetings with Future Electronics Cybersecurity experts to determine the right products and supplier solutions.

The topics covered include Cybersecurity standards and regulations; risk analysis and conformity assessment; Cybersecurity best practices; ARM Trustone and secure element; provisioning; securing Bluetooth; and secure LTE connection. The workshop was led by Future Electronics Advanced Engineers and Cybersecurity experts and external experts Ayman Khalil and Paul Gede on from Red Alert Labs.

Future Electronics takes Cybersecurity seriously and is proud to be a partner of choice in this area. The Company is delighted by the positive feedback generated from these events in Lyon - nearly every workshop attendee booked a follow-up meeting.

The next Cybersecurity workshop will take place in Rennes, France on the 13th and 14th of March, 2024.

About Future Electronics

Founded in 1968, Future Electronics is a global leader in the electronic components industry. Future Electronics� award-winning customer service, global supply chain programs and industry-leading engineering design services have made the company a strategic partner of choice.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Future Electronics operates in 170 offices across 47 countries with over 5,200 employees. Its worldwide presence powers the company�s outstanding service and efficient, comprehensive global supply chain solutions. Future Electronics is globally integrated and supported by one IT infrastructure which provides real-time inventory availability and enables fully integrated operations, sales and marketing services worldwide.

Future Electronics� mission is always to Delight the Customer�. For more information visit

Media Contact

Jamie Singerman
Corporate Vice President Worldwide
Future Electronics
Fax: 514-693-6051


Company :-Future Electronics

User :- Jamie Singerman


Phone :-514-694-7710

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