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Veteran Receives 70 Years of Backpay Benefits With Conviction Solutions

2024-07-27 02:05:05 Legal / Law


Las Vegas, NV - Conviction Solutions, Las Vegas based law firm and veteran advocate group, has won a local veteran 70 years of back benefits claims. Originally denied, and after multiple appeals over those nearly seven decades, it was ultimately the legal expertise provided by the Conviction Solutions team, combined with their fortitude and resilience that resulted in success in this case.

The veterans disability claims system was created to provide benefits to veterans that have been partially or fully impaired by providing service to our nation. Ultimately it is left to the
disabled veterans to catch errors made by the VA. This poses a challenge in a vast system riddled with complexities, processes, and requirements. However, it is this same system that Conviction Solutions understands how to leverage to maximize the benefits for each and every disabled veteran that comes to them for assistance in their denied claims.

?Though the Veteran wishes to remain anonymous, we are choosing to share this information
and success story in hopes that veterans understand that the system is there to provide
compensation and benefits for those who qualify. That there are advocates and legal teams out
there willing to help you receive the compensation you deserve, and that the VA is often wrong
when it denies benefits claims.?

Conviction Solutions works hard to apply the VA?s regulations, finding those details in each and
every case to allow for approval of previously denied claims. This is what has allowed the
veterans served by Conviction Solutions to triumph where others have failed. In this instance,
an update was made to the case which should have automatically triggered a review. That was
not performed, and with the push from our team VA granted the claim back to the original claim,
made in 1954. Visit the Conviction Solutions website for more details about how this case was
navigated from lead attorney, Jamie Resch.

When considering the work they do, and who they do it for, there is a sense of honor in winning
these claims for the Conviction Solutions team. From the surface the VA disability claims
department looks to provide a service. Inside the system the view is much different. Claims are
denied that should have easily been approved. Impositions are placed that aren?t called out in a
way that veterans understand. It is our mission to work for these veterans, giving back to them,
like they?ve given back to America.

About Conviction Solutions
The Las Vegas based legal team at Conviction Solutions began as an appellant attorney for
criminal cases. While providing criminal appeals we were asked to help veterans with their
disability claims appeals. Learning this system?s complexities and how few advocates there
were to assist disabled veterans was what eventually led to Conviction Solutions decision to
also addthis area. Today, we find it to be an immense honor to provide this necessary service
and support to our military veterans and look forward to serving them for many years to come.

Learn more at our website:

Company :-Conviction Solutions


Phone :-7024837360

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