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“R4D©” / “Real 4D©”, a New Technology by “POINTIMOVIE©” for movies and TV series

2025-03-17 05:33:05 Miscellaneous


R4D / Real 4D technology is a REVOLUTION, going to print a new chapter into the History of Cinema with the biggest innovation ever.
On the same level than ?Talking Movies? and Color in their time...

? What is R4D / Real 4D Technology ?
R4D / Real 4D is a technology changing the story of the movie each time you watch it. R4D / Real 4D brings back any spectator to his past, when he was watching the movie for the very first time.

R4D / Real 4D is more than a kind of Time Travel Machine...

And because a movie is a world, and having access to several of its possible stories, using R4D / Real 4D technology is like to explore its parallel worlds.

The experience is like the one of the vert first time, ever and ever. It is endless (a scent of ?Groundhog day?, for moviegoers...).

R4D / Real 4D technology is available for any people to make their own R4D video, on our video website

R4D / Real 4D technology will be available for Movies and TV series on our R4D VoD platform

The present time is a great opportunity for our technology since movies and TV series productions companies, and even distributors, are facing a huge problem of lack of contents, yet, by the difficulties to shoot new ones.

R4D / Real4D tech gives the way TO RENEW OLD CONTENTS, and so, to provide new sales without having to make new movies.

And so, by working remotely or by staying in offices.

?PoinTIMoviE?? handles and commercializes ?R4D?? / ?Real 4D??.
R4D / Real 4D technology gets its own video file format : .r4d

Company :-R4D4US

User :- Laurenz Corp


Phone :-408 675 5341

Url :-

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