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How to Make Everyday Life Easier for People With Disabilities

2025-03-18 09:11:05 Miscellaneous


Ensuring that the disabled person in your life has a high-quality life should be a priority. If you put time and effort, you can help make their everyday life more comfortable in the following ways.

1. Make Sure Their Homes Are Adapted for Their Disabilities

You can start by consulting with an occupational therapist or any professional who can adjust a home situation for a person with disabilities. You can also make the adjustments yourself, as you see fit, to make their life easier. Here are a few things you should consider:

? If the person uses a wheelchair, layout ramps to get in and out of the house. Even when they don?t use a wheelchair, ensure they are able to get from one floor of the house to the other, if they live in a multi-floor house. Try to find ways to make their movement more manageable, like installing handrails. Handrails can also make bathroom tasks easier for them when they are using the shower or the toilet.

? If the person is at risk of falling and they cannot reach a phone to call for help, ensure they have a medical alert button. Ensure they have a medical alert bracelet that shows the details of their conditions, seen by medical personnel if something happens to them.

? You can also allow the occupational therapist to tour their home and conduct an evaluation of the home environment, as well as provide innovative solutions. It?s important to take the suggestions of the person with a disability because they understand their physical capabilities better than anyone else.

2. Register a Service Animal or ESA

Pets are great companions, especially for those suffering under a physical or mental condition. Having a pet can also help improve their sense of responsibility, well-being, and overall happiness. They specifically improve the mental health of people living alone. A recent study on dogs indicates that dogs can increase the level of oxytocin, the love hormone, which is otherwise increased when you connect with other people.

Pets can even be registered as either service animals or emotional support animals (ESA). It?s vital to choose an animal that the person likes and one that can look after them according to their disability:

? Some disabilities qualify the individual for a service animal. Service dogs are trained to assist people with disabilities and help them perform specific tasks. Service animals are available for people who are epileptic, autistic, diabetic, blind, etc.

? Emotional Support Animals provide emotional relief to those suffering from conditions such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. If your loved one needs support to carry on through their daily routine, you can register an animal with ESA Registration of America to have an official ESA.

3. Plan Regular Visits

If a loved one has a disability, one of the best ways to show love and support is stopping by to see how they?re doing. Take time from your busy schedule because frequent visits can improve their emotional and mental well-being. Remember to bring positive energy when you visit to make them feel wanted and appreciated.

Final Thoughts

If you have a loved one with a disability, the best way to improve their life is to facilitate their mobility and show them love and support. Whether it's through an ESA or regular visits, they will value the time you put into their care and enjoy a more fulfilling life as a result. Make sure to register your animal officially before bringing it in public, as this will guarantee your loved one is ready for support without any hassle.

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