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Resource Optimization of PDF Documents & Enhanced Working with PDF Form Fields using Java

2024-10-27 06:30:53 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for Java and .NET 18.11. In this revision of the API, conversion engines have been further improved in order to convert PDF documents into other file formats. Several bugs which were reported in earlier version(s) of the API have also been rectified. Along with that, resource optimization of PDF documents has been improved in terms of performance. It was observed that execution time of OptimizeResources method was slow in earlier version(s) of the API which was due to slow image compression. In this release of the API, new image compression algorithms have been implemented which work faster and users can optimize PDF documents in an improved and faster way. The sample code snippet on blog announcement page can be used to optimize PDF resources using new implemented properties. Along with the features mentioned above, there are some useful improvement also included in this release of the API, such as implemented precise coordinate calculations for characters, Improvements have been made for working with Form Fields, Hyperlink Alignment issues have been rectified, Improved PDF Printing time taken by the API, Color corrections have been made during PDF to TIFF conversion, Table Extraction and Manipulation algorithms have further been enhanced, Functionality to support text and fonts has been added for PDF/UA format and many more. Some important improved features included in this release are given below

? Long time to extract text
? Improved PDF to PPTX conversion
? Add taggedPdfTextBlockelement
? Add text block named element
? Improve OptimizeResources performance
? HTML to PDF - ArgumentNullException is occurring
? PDF to TIFF - ArgumentException is being generated
? HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant file
? HTML to PDF: Table background-color style is not working
? PDF to Execl: cells data merges to a single cell in output
? PDF to TIFF: output image missing text
? PDF to XLS - Error appears when viewing resultant file
? When using Custom font, SuperScript is not being honored
? Incorrect Character width and X coordinate information
? PDF to EXCEL results in a corrupt file
? Not all characters are resized in PDF field
? Hyperlink Alignment issue
? TextState properties are not being applied in HeaderFooter
? PDF to PDF/A - NullReferenceException during PDF/A conversion
? TIFF to PDF - OutOfMemoryException during conversion
? Adding svg into table cell from disk API throws ArgumentException
? Which TIFF versions Aspose.Pdf for .NET supports
? PDF printing takes several minutes
? Exception when trying to add SVG image stream to PDF
? Black background is appearing while adding SVG into PDF
? PDF to TIFF - Text of lighter color is missing in output image
? SVG turned out to be black and white while adding into table
? JPG to PDF - output document failed to open in Adobe Reader
? PDF to PDF/A-1b - the output PDF does not pass compliance test
? HtmlFragment moves content to next page
? Cannot add local hyperlink to the text of table cell
? Cannot extract table and its data using TableAbsorber
? IsBlank property true when page is not blank
? PDF to PPTX - System.InvalidOperationException Exception occurred
? Preflight log contains fonts related problems
? Highlight Annotation hides/redacts the text after merging annotations
? Slow processing of document
? Setting Cell.ColSpan to 4 leads to invalid render of graphs and text
? NullReferenceException when validating or converting a PDF/A
? The text extraction takes much time
? PDFA output contains more than one XREF subsection
? Document is not PDF/A compatible after conversion
? Output document isn't PDFA_2A compliant
? Implement functionality to support fonts and text for PDF/UA format
? PDF to PPTX export - index out of bound error occurred
? TIFF to PDF - Dark Colors are converted as black in output

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.PDF for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.PDF for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Optimize PDF File Size:

- Optimize PDF Document for the Web:

Overview: Aspose.PDF for Java

Aspose.PDF is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now users can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables users to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.PDF for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.PDF for Java:

- Download Aspose. PDF for Java at:

- Read online documentation of Aspose. PDF for Java at:

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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