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Efficient and accurate lab data import and comparison when using CAS numbers (Chemical Abstract System) and ChemCodes.

2025-01-06 12:34:00 Environment


When combining environmental data from different sources, or comparing data against environmental standards there is a need to ensure a certain level of standardisation to overcome variations in naming of chemical compounds: (ie Fe (total), Fe (Total), Total Iron, and Iron (total)) particularly if this same problem applies to a large number of chemicals.

To provide a consistent point of reference for different compound names the CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) numbering system is used where possible. CAS provides a unique and consistent code for each compound. Laboratory data is typically provided with a code for each chemical, however, occasionally a code will not be offered or will not be consistent with the database. Historical data will need codes to be assigned. ESdat, Environmental Data Management software, has functionality used during data import to assign or resolve problems with ChemCodes. You can compare and match your ChemCodes with the standard ESdat list provided to laboratories.

A set of ChemCodes in your system that has evolved and deviated from the standard set maintained by EScIS as part of the ESdat software results in a number of problems including inefficiencies in the import of laboratory reports; difficulties in comparing data from different laboratories; and deviations from the ChemCodes used in the Environmental Standards compiled by EScIS. Differences from the standard set of ChemCodes places an additional burden on users who are responsible for ensuring the lab reports all import correctly.

Recent functionality available in ESdat Server allows users to automatically update their ChemCode list from the list centrally maintained by EScIS for their region. Automatically updating ChemCodes assists all users to ensure their record is consistent with the codes that are provided for laboratories to use and avoids adjustments needing to be made during the import process. As new ChemCodes are added (e.g. for PFAS) it also allows for users to add these to their system efficiently.

The ability to synch onsite systems with EScIS's standard ChemCode list is complemented by the recent release of LabSynch, which provides for lab reports to be automatically loaded into the system with no user involvement in the import or in any error resolution process.

For more information on ESdat Server and efficiently maintaining your ChemCode list see the ESdat website.

About us:
EScIS provide environmental and groundwater database software, consultancy, advisory, programming, customization, implementation, and training services.

EScIS also develop and resell the ESdat suite of software. ESdat is used worldwide and is the most widely used environmental and groundwater data management and analysis package in the Asia / Pacific.

Tom Wilson
Unit 4, 59 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay, NSW, 2481 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9232 8080

Company :-EScIS

User :- Tom Wilson


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