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Java 10 Support & Nested Reports Provision by LINQ Reporting Engine inside Java Apps

2025-01-08 02:25:16 Computer


Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Words for Java 18.8. There are 86 improvements and fixes has included in this regular monthly release, such as Java 10 tested and supported now, New and updated Samples and Examples, Change SHA-1 to SHA-256 and public asymmetric key from 1024 to 2048 for the license mechanism, Implemented support for ?underline trailing spaces? compatibility option, Implemented support for paragraph alignment in Omath when inserted using EQ fields, Enhanced computation of interscript spacing values based on TTF properties, Improved wrapping of text around floating objects, Improved calculation of position of floating tables and shapes, Improved floater overlapping logic, Improved computing of pages numbers in continuous sections which have restart attribute and conflicting oddity, Fixed line justification issue when RTL span is at the end of the line, Fixed issue with null dml properties, Fixed issue with rendering of floating shapes in truncated headers/footers, Fixed issue with rendering of lines inside of a field result when updated in truncated part of a cell, Improved rendering of math operators in MathML objects, Improved rendering of MathML objects with n-ary math element when n-ary character and limit location are not specified, Fixed a bug with rendering of a math n-ary element if it is part of a fraction, Fixed a bug when polyline with an arrow and a very small line segment at the end, Fixed a bug when an arrow pointer is incorrectly directed while rendering Bezier curves with arrows, Fixed a bug where the end of the line was outside the ?stealth arrow? when rendering, LINQ Reporting Engine supports nested reports. Aspose team has tested Aspose.Words for Java with Java 10 and is pleased to announce that Java 10 is now supported by the latest versions of Aspose.Words for Java. Developers can insert contents of outer documents to their reports dynamically using LINQ Reporting. Starting from Aspose.Words for Java 18.8, developers can enable doc tag to check the template syntax and populate with data using LINQ Reporting. By default, a document being inserted is not checked against template syntax and is not populated with data. It has added support to create snip corner rectangles in this version. This release has added HtmlSaveOptions.ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources property. Users can use this property to save the resources of MHTML document using the ?Content-Id? URL Scheme. It has also added new property ShowComments in LayoutOptions class. This property is used to show or hide comments in fixed file formats e.g. PDF, XPS. By default, the comments are visible. A new property ShowInBalloons has been added to RevisionOptions class. This property is used to show revisions in the balloons. By default, the revisions in balloons are not shown. Previously, Aspose.Words used to save ?@font-face? rules of HtmlFixed documents into a separate file ?fontFaces.css? while other CSS declarations were written to ?styles.css?. We have changed this behavior and now Aspose.Words saves all CSS rules and declarations into the same file ?styles.css?. In case the old behavior is required for compatibility with legacy code, it can be restored by using the new public property HtmlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFontFaceCssSeparately. It has added new property RecognizeUtf8Text in RtfLoadOptions class. This property allows to detect UTF-8 encoded characters and preserve them during import. Obsolete value NumInDash was removed from NumberStyle enum. Please, use NumberStyle.NumberInDash value instead. Obsolete method ToTxt() was removed from Node class. Please, use ToString(SaveFormat.Text) instead. The obsolete property Location has been removed from the FootnoteOptions and EndnoteOptions classes. Please use the Position property. Also, the FootnoteLocation emum type has been removed. The list of most notable new and improved features added in this release are given below

? Allow setting "Layout in Table Cell" option of shapes
? Add feature to create Snip Corner Rectangle
? Track changes rendering issue in resultant PDF
? Add a feature to escape ampersand symbol during replacement
? Change SHA-1 to SHA-256 and public asymmetric key from 1024 to 2048 for the license mechanism
? Add feature to populate template document loaded by "doc" tag
? Include Formatting Comments in Save To Tiff
? Add feature to detect encoding characters and change them to UFT-8 in output RTF
? SaveDate field's result become visible after re-saving the document
? Reference resources in MHTML documents using the "Content-Id" URL scheme
? Spaces and special characters trimmed when rendering
? Remove UTF-8 BOM from CSS parts in MTHML documents
? Rework span shallow size tests
? Combine styles when saving Words to HTML with HtmlFixedSaveOptions
? Incorrect font fallback for Asian characters
? Implement the second way of rendering the shape outline
? Line Caps Rendering - PolyLine caps direction is not correct
? Update minimum possible font size
? Remove Aspose logo from Venture license in trial mode
? Remove obsolete public properties EndnoteOptions.Location/FootnoteOptions.Location
? Set RunPr.ComplexScript to True for Thai letter list labels
? SetLicense throws IllegalStateException.
? Update Metered license code.
? Save HTML to PDF-A_1B does not generate indexed images anymore
? Borders look incorrect after converting document to PDF using MS Word or Bullzip PDF Printer
? Table with different preferred widths extends outside the page when rendered
? Table preferred width no longer automatically resizes when cell preferred width is set
? Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during rendering
? Cell's contents move to next line after conversion from Doc to Pdf
? Elbow Arrow Connectors are not rendering correctly in PDF
? Visio objects are overlapped in output PDF
? Floating table is positioned improperly
? Hijri Date is displayed in English Numbers in output DOCX/PDF
? Text is missing after conversion form DOCX to PNG
? DOCX to PDF conversion results are inconsistent in Multithreading
? DOCX to HTML Issue with HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode as MathML
? OfficeMath nodes are exported incorrectly as MathML in output HTML
? Image generated from Dokkered web app is completely black.
? Thai characters are converted to numbers in PDF
? text-anchor' property is not imported correctly
? Insert SVG into Aspose.Word.Document results in black image
? The rendered PDF output is corrupted
? Document.UpdateFields displaces text of frame when using 'IncludeText'
? Arrow shape is rendered incorrectly
? Numbers List Change while Converting Doc to PDF
? Paragraph's text is missing in output PDF
? Incorrect rendering of the OMath if FirstLineIndent is specified, after converting to PDF
? Problem of incorrect Revisions Count after Comparing documents
? CSS border style is not applied to image in output PDF/DOCX
? Content is rendered on multiple pages in HtmlFixed/PNG
? Distance between symbols not preserved in PDF
? Borders of some SmartArt elements not preserved in PDF
? LayoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex returns wrong page number
? Equations render partially in generated PDF
? Document.UpdateFields generates wrong alphabetical sort order for INDEX field
? PDF output doesn't match the original DOCX document
? Word breaking in Thai language is wrong
? Signature images are not visible in generated PDF/Imag
? Unknown yellow color rectangle is rendered after conversion from DOCX TO PDF
? DOCX to PDF conversion issue with textbox shape glow
? StartTrackRevisions hangs and process does not complete
? Incorrect rendering of the text outline with zero width after converting to PDF
? Extra pages are created when DOCX is converted to PDF
? Improve conditions for hanging punctuation
? Vertical spacing between Paragraphs increased when rendering to PDF
? Remove whitespaces from MathML content while importing html to model.
? Line Caps Rendering - Stealth arrow is rendered incorrectly.
? Line Caps Rendering - Curved arrow has incorrect direction.

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Inserting Documents Dynamically:

- Create Snip Corner Rectangle:

Overview: Aspose.Words

Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables .NET, Java & Android applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Users can even use Aspose.Words for .NET to build applications with Mono.

More about Aspose.Words

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for Java:

- Download Aspose.Words for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Words :

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


Phone :-888-277-6734

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