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Create Stock Chart, Set Font Size of Legend & Getting Chart Image inside Java Apps

2025-01-09 07:45:57 Computer


Aspose team is happy to share the announcement of Aspose.Slides for Java 18.7. It has improved the API features support by introducing improved charts management support along with resolution of outstanding issues. There are some important new features introduced in this release, such as setting font size of Legend, Changing series Color, Getting chart Image, Change color of categories in series, Setting font properties for chart data table, Setting font size of individual Legend, Setting font related properties for chart data table, setting chart area rounded borders, Creating Stock Chart and Setting InvertIfNegative Property for Individual Series. There are some important enhancements and bug fixes part of this release, such as Text color got changed in generated PDF, Word wrapping is disturbed in generated slide thumbanail for UNIX, ArgumentOutOfRangeException on loading the presentation, Chart is improperly rendered in generated PDF, Wrong gradient direction for text in generated presentation, PPTX not properly converted to PDF, Exception on loading PPTX, PPTXReadException on loading presentation, PPT not properly converted to PDF, PPT to PPTX not properly converted, Image lost on saving, Wrong text color in generated PDF, Problem with chart legend, Slide title position changes after saving PPT, Argument Null exception on saving PPT presentation to PPTM, Charts gets corrupted on saving a password protected presentation, PPTX to PDF not properly converted, Text is improperly rendered in exported PDF and many more. This list of new, improved and bug fixes in this release are given below

? Setting chart.getChartData().setRange(range) resets the chart formatting
? Use Aspose.Slides for Net 18.7 features
? Font size of legend, minimum & maximum values of axes
? Support for changing Series Color
? Getting chart image from ChartEx
? Change color of categories in a series
? Setting font related properties for chart data table
? Setting font related properties for individual legend entry
? Setting font related properties for chart data table
? Support for setting Chart Area rounded borders
? Support for Stock chart
? Setting InvertIfNegative for individual series data point
? RemoveEncryption() method removes the encryption from presentation when loaded in read only mode
? Text color got changed in generated PDF.
? Word wrapping is disturbed in generated slide thumbanail for UNIX.
? ArgumentOutOfRangeException on loading the presentation.
? Chart is improperly rendered in generated PDF.
? Wrong gradient direction for text in generated presentation.
? PPTX not properly converted to PDF.
? Exception on loading PPTX.
? PPTXReadException on loading presentation.
? PPT not properly converted to PDF.
? PPT to PPTX not properly converted.
? Image lost on saving.
? Wrong text color in generated PDF.
? Problem with chart legend.
? Slide title position changes after saving PPT.
? Argument Null exception on saving PPT presentation to PPTM.
? Charts gets corrupted on saving a password protected presentation.
? PPTX to PDF not properly converted.
? Text is improperly rendered in exported PDF.
? Error rendering slide.
? ArgumentOutOfRangeException on loading the presentation.
? Chart is improperly rendered in generated PDF.
? Content moved in generated HTML.
? Wrong size of manual plot area.
? Issue in setting Notes datetime and footer.
? Wrong gradient direction for text in generated presentation.
? Setting chart.ChartData.SetRange(range) resets the chart formatting.
? PPT Saving in PDF format shows data blurred.
? XmlException on loading PPTX.
? Chart is improperly rendered in generated PDF.
? Changing a shape applied border color is applied to all copied shapes of PPTX.
? PPT Zoom issue.
? The generated PDF with SaveMetafilesAsPng = false failed to open in Adobe Reader.
? Issue with document in portrait orientation while exporting to PDF.
? PPTXReadException on loading presentation.
? Exception on loading presentation.
? Presentation repair message on converting PPT to PPTX.
? Exception on loading and saving presentation.
? Unable to display percentage and dollar value in box and whisker chart.
? Embedded OLE Object size changes in PPTX when selected in MS PowerPoint.
? Resaving the Excel Object causes resized when opened in PowerPoint 2010.

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Slides for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Slides for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Setting Font Size of Legend:

- Get Chart Image:'s+Content#EditingChart'sContent-GetChartImage

Overview: Aspose.Slides for Java

Aspose.Slides is a Java component to create, read, write and modify a PowerPoint document without using Microsoft PowerPoint. It supports PHP applications and provides all advanced features for managing presentations, slides, shapes, tables and supports PPT, POT, POS PowerPoint formats. Now developers can add, access, copy, clone, edit and delete slides in their presentations. It also supports audio & video frames, adding pictures, text frames and saving presentations as streams or SVG format.

More about Aspose.Slides for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Slides for Java:

- Download Aspose.Slides for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Slides for Java at:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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