Hindus are shocked at the description of a portable Hindu temple, a collection of Vatican Museums, which in their Online Catalogue states as “dedicated to the cult of the god Vishnu”.
Lord Vishnu is “preserver” in the Hindu triad with Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva as the aspect of the Supreme. He has ten incarnations to establish dharma (divine law).
Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that it was disturbing to see Hinduism, the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about 1.1 billion adherents and a rich philosophical thought, belittled as a “cult” by a renowned organization as Vatican.
Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged Vatican Museums Director Barbara Jatta to immediate rectify the description and issue a formal apology.
Collections of 26 Vatican Museums, besides this portable Hindu temple, also include statues/sculptures of various Hindu deities, including Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna, Durga, Narasimha, Kurma, Bhumi; Kalamkari showing Shiva and Parvati on Nandi; and a manuscript made of palm leaves depicting scenes from Ramayana. It also has a wood sculpture of Jesus seated in the position of Padmasana (which is described as the position of meditation).
History of Vatican Museums, whose Mission of includes “To present, preserve and share that extraordinary legacy of culture, history, and beauty…”, reportedly dates back to 1506, which saw the creation of the “Courtyard of the Statues”. They also temporarily loan their works worldwide.
Medium of this early 18th century portable Hindu temple is given as: wood, paper, mirrors, glass paste, pigments.
Company :-Universal Society of Hinduism
User :- Rajan Zed
Email :-rajanz@aol.com