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MHTML Generation from EML & EML to MSG Conversion are Enhanced inside Java Apps

2025-01-10 03:01:38 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Email for Java 18.4. This release is sort of maintenance release where the API functionality has been improved as result of several bug fixes. This release includes several improvements and bug fixes to the API?s functionality. such as Loss of embedded images during EML to MSG conversion, Corrupt MHTML generation from EML, Issue with listing messages by page from Exchange server, Missing attachment file name from inline attachments, Saving of activity logs to the same output file for email clients, Formatting distortion when printing MSG to XPS, Issue with text formatting not correct while creating XPS from EML, Issue with email addresses in TNEF message and Out of memory exception with message. The main improved features & bug fixes added in this release are listed below

? EML to MSG loses embedded images and digital signed information
? Corrupt MHTML generated from EML
? Saving to OFT with Embedded Images in HTML loses images
? ListMessagesByPage does not fetch new messages once executed in loop
? Inline attachment file name not fetched by Aspose.Email
? Activity logs of all clients go the same file instead of respective ones
? Email generated using Aspose.Email API can't be sent out from Outlook using latest version
? Email addresses are truncated in the TNEF message
? OutOfMemory Exception with message
? EWSClient.FetchMapiMessage raises exception
? An exception raises while loading EML message

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Email for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Email for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Converting EML to MSG Preserving Embedded EML format:

- Read Outlook Template File OFT:

Overview: Aspose.Email for Java

Aspose.Email for Java is a Non-Graphical Java component that enables Java applications to read and write MS Outlook MSG files from within a Java application without using MS Outlook. It enables developers to create new MSG file from scratch, update an existing MSG file, read Outlook MSG file & get its properties like subject, body, recipients in to, cc and bcc, adding or removing attachment, sender information & MAPI properties. Aspose.Email can be used with Web as well as Desktop Application.

More about Aspose.Email for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Email for Java:

- Download Aspose.Email for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Email for Java:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


Phone :-888-277-6734

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