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HTML Canvas Rendering to XPS, PDF Formats & .NET Standard 2.0 Framework Support

2025-01-10 07:11:14 Computer


Aspose team is happy to announce the new release of Aspose.Html for .NET 18.5. This release includes amazing feature of Support for .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Core) Framework. Several other enhancements and bug fixes have also been included in this version. W3C HTML Canvas is a part of Aspose.HTML for .NET API now, it supports rendering of HTML Canvas elements as a part of HTML document as well as direct access and manipulation of HTML Canvas 2D Context. You can manipulate as well as render an HTML Canvas to other file formats including, but not limited to, XPS and PDF. It has also improved CSS engine that has contributed to improve the performance of parsing CSS documents up to 20 percent. ParameterIsNotValid exception as well as few problems with rendering of HTML to PNG format have also been rectified in latest version of Aspose.HTML for .NET API. Below is the list of new and improved features added in this new release

? HTML to PNG - not same image quality
? Support for rendering HTML Canvas 2D Context, Level 2
? HTML to PNG - different image quality
? Parameter is not valid exception

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Html for .NET documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Html for performing different tasks like the followings.

- HTML to Image Conversion:

- HTML to XPS Conversion:

Overview: Aspose.Html for .NET

Aspose.Html for .NET is an advanced HTML manipulation API that enables developers to perform a wide range of HTML manipulation tasks directly within .NET applications. This API offers the capabilities to create as well as manipulate HTML files within your .NET applications. It also provides the features to iterate through HTML elements, Nodes, extract CSS information, edit or remove HTML nodes, configure a document sandbox which affects the processing of CSS styles, rendering of HTML to PDF, XPS or raster image formats and much more.

More about Aspose.Html for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Html for .NET:

- Download Aspose.Html for .NET:

- Online documentation Aspose.Html for .NET:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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