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Clone PDF TextFragments with Identical Formatting & Determining Line Break Process using .NET

2025-01-09 01:48:45 Computer


Aspose team is very excited to announce the new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.4. In particular scenarios of PDF generations, sometimes you may come up with a requirement to identify the points/positions where an Enter/Line Break was added to create new line or contents of a line were moved to subsequent line after content reaching to the edge of the page. We have implemented logging (tracking) background processing (line breaking) of multi-line text fragments in text adding scenarios. You can use GetNotifications(), a new method of Page Class in order to achieve the functionality. An example of such functionality has been provided in API documentation section. Since it has already planned to improve the feature to support of such scenarios, Aspose team is working over adding the functionalities for editing existing PDF documents and hopes to provide more enhancements in API regarding this feature in upcoming versions. For now, only notifications about paragraph events in text adding scenarios are supported. One of the interesting enhancements in Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.4 is, users can clone a TextFragment with segments formatting identical to the original fragment. Users can use TextFragment.Clone() method in order to achieve this. The list of important new and improved features are given below

? Determine the line break scenario
? Text shadow indent is different when saving as HTML
? Update TextFragment clone procedure for segments formatting support
? Text is aligned to left instead of being aligned to right (Convert Hebrew PDF to HTML)
? Text position issue: API returns LLX and URX values same for vertical text.
? Text position issue: API returns incorrect position values (LLX,LLY,URX,URY)
? Drawing box around text content is not correct
? When using htmlOptions.FixedLayout = false, images/svg files are missing.
? PDF to HTML: text formatting issue
? PDF to PDFA2a: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Cells, to PDFA2a fails the compliance
? Text is not auto wrapped to subsequent lines when reaching right page margin
? special characters ">, <" encoding issue
? When specific PDF is converted to DOCX, System.ArgumentException occurs
? Content is missing when saving PDF as HTML
? PDF to XLS export produces an invalid XML
? Some images omitted while converting PDF document to HTML output
? RedactArea corrupts the PDF if with SetLicense method
? NullReferenceException while generating jpg image
? An exception raises while loading document from HTML file
? PDF to image - Aspose.Pdf export shows error in Docker
? Latex fragments consume too much memory
? TOC heading is missing when adding HtmlFragment
? TOC headings get mixed when generating PDF output.
? An exception raises while saving PDF with TOC headings
? HTML import - fails to import the document
? Link with external url in pdf document is not rendered as hyperlink when saving page by page
? StackOverflow error occurs when retrieving content
? In some headings a part of the text is formatted with noticeable smaller font size.
? Unexpected headings appear in the generated output PDF
? The heading is missing in the generated PDF output
? TextFragmentAbsorber out of memory issue
? An exception raises while loading document from HTML file

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.PDF for .NET documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.PDF for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Track Line Breaking of Multi-Line TextFragment:

- Convert an Image to PDF:

Overview: Aspose.PDF for .NET

Aspose.Pdf is a .Net Pdf component for the creation and manipulation of Pdf documents without using Adobe Acrobat. Create PDF by API, XML templates & XSL-FO files. It supports form field creation, PDF compression options, table creation & manipulation, graph objects, extensive hyperlink functionality, extended security controls, custom font handling, add or remove bookmarks; TOC; attachments & annotations; import or export PDF form data and many more. Also convert HTML, XSL-FO and MS WORD to PDF.

More about Aspose.PDF for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.PDF for .NET:

- Download Aspose.PDF for .NET at:

- Read online documentation of Aspose.PDF for .NET at:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


Phone :-888-277-6734

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