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Group Pivot Fields in Pivot Table, Access & Modify Display Label of Linked OLE Object using Java

2025-01-06 10:23:40 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for Java 18.3.0. This release includes many new features and enhancements along with some critical bug fixes that further improve the overall stability of the APIs. Microsoft Excel allows users to group pivot fields in the Pivot Table. When there is large amount of data related to a pivot field, it is better to group them into sections. Aspose.Cells provides this feature via the PivotTable.setManualGroupField() method. This was a long-awaited feature requested by many users. The following sample code loads the template Excel file and performs grouping operation on the first pivot field in the Pivot Table using the PivotTable.setManualGroupField() method. Aspose.Cells provides an abstract class DrawObjectEventHandler which has a draw() method. User can implement and utilize the draw() method to get the DrawObject and Bound while rendering Excel to Pdf or Image. If users are rendering Excel file to Pdf, then can utilize DrawObjectEventHandler class with PdfSaveOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler. Similarly, if users are rendering Excel file to Image, users can utilize DrawObjectEventHandler class with ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler. Microsoft Excel also supports dashed border types which are not supported by most web browsers. When user convert such an Excel file into HTML using Aspose.Cells, the borders are removed. However, it allows to accomplish the task and supports to display such borders with HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle property. Dialog sheet is an older format that contains a dialog box. Users can find if a sheet is dialog or some other type with Worksheet.Type property. If it returns enumeration value SheetType.DIALOG, then it means, users are dealing with Dialog sheet. Microsoft Excel allows to change the display label of the Ole Object. Developers can also access or modify the display label of the Ole object via Aspose.Cells APIs using the OleObject.Label property. When users put some value inside a cell that has leading apostrophe or single quote mark, then Microsoft Excel hides it, but when users select the cell, it displays the leading apostrophe or single quote in a formula bar. Aspose.Cells provides StyleFlag.QuotePrefix property that will handle either preserving the quote or not preserving the quote for users needs. Developers can read axis labels of chart after calculating its values using the Chart.calculate() method. Please use the Axis.AxisLabels property for this purpose that will return the list of axis labels. Users can change the Version number of Excel file by right clicking the file and then selecting Properties > Details and then editing the Version number field. Please use BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.DocumentVersion property to change it programmatically using Aspose.Cells APIs. Below are some important new features, enhancement and bug fixes part of this release.

? Add PdfSaveOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler similar to ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler
? Extract label name that can be set for Package objects embedded in MS Excel file
? Using stream to import Excel file via GridWebBean.importExcelFile() is invalid or non-existing
? How to identify worksheet shapes via DrawObjectEventHandler
? Unable to access horizontal category axis label items
? Output HTML does not match with MS Excel
? Excel files corrupted after open/save by Aspose.Cells APIs
? Extra columns are coming at the end of each row in the output HTML for a range
? Excel file is corrupted and have some cells changed after saving
? Calculation errors are present in the hidden sheet namely "KD020"
? ImportTableOptions.setInsertRows() is not working while importing the ResultSet to worksheet
? Comments attached to the cells (in the template file) are not shown when imported the Excel file into GridWeb
? Inconsistent cell coordinates reported by ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler
? Borders of rows are misaligned in the output PDF
? X-axis scale is incorrect in PNG output of Excel Chart
? Rendering of the chart is not correct in the output PDF
? Chart is replaced with red X when converting XLSX to ODS
? Images lost when converting ODS to XLSX
? Properties are not extracted from XLS and XLSX files
? Saving XLS to XLSB removes allowEditRanges
? Control external resources using WorkbookSetting.StreamProvider - it works for .NET but does not work for Java
? Specify formula fields while importing data to worksheet - it works for .NET but does not work for Java
? Chinese characters in embedded file name (title) is not well-displayed in notepad

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Group Pivot Fields in the Pivot Table:

- Export similar Border Style when Border Style is not supported by Web Browsers:

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Download Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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