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PDF Bookmark Creation for Chart Sheet & Export Document Properties in Excel to HTML Conversion using .NET

2025-01-09 01:54:03 Computer


Aspose development team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.1.0. It has added some useful features and enhancements regarding Pivot Tables, Charts and Excel to HTML renderings. The previous versions has create PdfBookmarkEntry for normal sheets only. But now Aspose.Cells can also create PdfBookmarkEntry for chart sheet. Since, chart sheet does not have any other cell except cell A1, so it will create PdfBookmarkEntry for cell A1 only. The following sample code loads an Excel file which has four sheets in it. Two of them are normal sheets and others are chart sheets. It creates four bookmarks, one for each sheet. Microsoft Excel file may contain many unnecessary unused styles. When users export the Excel file to HTML file format, these unused styles are also exported. This could increase the size of HTML. Users can exclude the unused styles during the conversion of Excel file to HTML using the HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property. When Microsoft Excel file is exported to HTML using Microsoft Excel or Aspose.Cells APIs, it also exports various types of Document, Workbook and Worksheet properties. Users can avoid exporting these properties by setting the HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties, HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties and HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties as false. The default value of these properties is true. A Pivot table may use other pivot table as a data source. Such a Pivot table is called a child or nested Pivot table to its parent Pivot table. You can find the children Pivot tables for a parent Pivot table using the PivotTable.GetChildren() method. When users create a Pivot Table, Microsoft Excel takes a copy of the source data and stores it in the Pivot Cache. The Pivot Cache is held inside the memory of Microsoft Excel. When users load an Excel file inside the Workbook object, users can decide whether it also want to load the records of Pivot Cache or not, using the LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property. The default value of this property is false. If Pivot Cache is quite big, it can increase the performance. Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop has introduced two new events i.e. AfterDeleteColumns and AfterDeleteRows. These events are fired when you delete column(s) and row(s) respectively. There are some other enhancements also included in this release, such as Handle Automatic Units of Chart Axis like Microsoft Excel, Render Interactive Scrollbar in GridWeb, Handled IndexOutOfRangeException while converting XLSX to HTML, Handled exception when rendering image of the chart and Handled an exception when setting HtmlString on a cell to specific value. This release has also fixed several important bugs and other issues, for example, issues around reading/writing MS Excel file formats, manipulating Ole Objects in Excel file, rendering Excel to HTML and vice versa, converting SpreadsheetML to XLSX, import custom objects to Excel sheet, rendering and manipulating charts, manipulating PivotTables, rendering images from Excel worksheets, rendering images files from charts and exporting Excel workbooks to PDF format have been resolved. This release includes several enhanced features and bug fixes as listed below

? Find the children Pivot Tables of parent Parent Pivot Table
? Handle automatic axis units like Microsoft Excel
? Read and write tableSingleCells of XLSB file
? Add events after deleting rows and columns in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop
? GridWeb does not render Scrollbars correctly
? Unsupported external stylesheet during round-trip conversion
? XLS format should match with MS Excel 2016
? FontSettings are overwriting each other while MS Excel keeps both of them
? Filtering in GridDesktop does not work properly or like Microsoft Excel
? Shape text is rotated in Excel to PDF conversion
? Characters overlap when converting to Image
? XLSB file dealing with Power Pivot corrupts on opening and re-saving
? Borders are not shown when export from HTML to Excel
? Gridlines do not appear when HtmlSaveOptions.ExportActiveWorksheetOnly property is set to true
? Support exporting the separate stylesheet for a single-tab document
? Image properties (Title and Subject) are lost after converting XLSX to PDF
? Rendering Excel cuts the right border with some data loss
? Converting Excel to PDF cuts word with apostrophes when using RTL language
? Chart is stretched up after saving to XLS format - "mouseover event - embedded.xls"
? Chart.Calculate is hanging when QAR_symbol is set as "丿.兀."
? Charts could not be exported when custom format is using "mm" format
? Sheet having chart shows changes when the Excel file is opened and re-saved
? Graph size is changed in a specific XLS file
? Excel Graph changed after load and save
? Legend entries have moved slightly down after simple resave
? Second vertical axis label is missing when converting chart to image
? Error when copying sheet from one book to another
? SpreadsheetML to XLSX - Aspose.Cells sets protection settings
? MS Excel prompts an error message when opening the re-saved file into it
? Left graph i.e. "Seasonal Adjustment" - the Bars size changes in the output Excel file
? Spreadsheet XML gets invalidated because it contains elements with double prefix
? Cell.R1C1Formula returns null when referencing named range(s)
? Embedded Pdf Image is broken after inserting OLE object
? Calculation chain part missed after conversion (XLSB -> XLSM)
? ImportCustomObjects does not import field names when list count is zero
? Invalid formula error on opening the file
? Vertical alignment is not applying to the range of cells
? Absolute path changes to relative path when re-saving an XLSX file
? RGB(255, 0, 0) is not a valid value for Int32 on HtmlString assignment
? Re-saving the XLS stretches the chart vertically
? Conversion from XLSB to XLSM: Resulting file does not contain xlqueryTablesqueryTable1
? When click on cell A1, it jumps to other cell and focused cell position is wrong
? Group status is wrong after collapse/expand - Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Exclude Unused Styles during Excel to HTML conversion:

- Export Document Workbook and Worksheet Properties in Excel to HTML conversion:

Overview: Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells is a .NET component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. It supports robust formula calculation engine, pivot tables, VBA, workbook encryption, named ranges, spreadsheet formatting, drawing objects like images, OLE objects and importing or creating charts. You can also create Excel file using designer spreadsheet, smart marker or API and apply formulae and functions. It supports CSV, XLS, SpreadsheetML, OOXML, XLSB, CSV, HTML, ODS, PDF, XPS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. You can also view, generate, modify, convert, render and print workbooks all without using Microsoft Excel.

More about Aspose.Cells for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for .NET:

- Download Aspose.Cells for .NET:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for .NET:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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