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Find Children PivotTables of Parent Table & Parse Pivot Cached Records While Loading Excel File using Java

2025-01-06 09:14:31 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for Java 18.1.0. This release includes many new features and enhancements along with some critical bug fixes that further improve the overall stability of the APIs. Sometimes, one pivot table uses other pivot table as a data source, so it is called a child pivot table or nested pivot table. Users can find the children pivot tables of a parent pivot table using the PivotTable.getChildren() method. The code sample on blog announcement page finds the children pivot tables of the pivot table using the PivotTable.getChildren() method and then refreshes them one by one. When users create a Pivot Table, Microsoft Excel takes a copy of the source data and stores it in the Pivot Cache. The Pivot Cache is held inside the memory of Microsoft Excel. When users load an Excel file inside the Workbook object, users can decide whether it also want to load the records of Pivot Cache or not, using the LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property. The default value of this property is false. If Pivot Cache is quite big, it can increase the performance. When Microsoft Excel file is exported to HTML using Microsoft Excel or Aspose.Cells APIs, it also exports various types of Document, Workbook and Worksheet properties. Microsoft Excel file may contain many unnecessary unused styles. When users export the Excel file to HTML file format, these unused styles are also exported. This could increase the size of HTML. Users can exclude the unused styles during the conversion of Excel file to HTML using the HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property. Early versions of Aspose.Cells were not able to handle automatic units of chart axis properly when chart is rendered to image or pdf. Now, Aspose.Cells supports the handling of automatic units of chart axis. There is no code change. Just convert chart into image or pdf and it will render chart axis just like Microsoft Excel renders it. Earlier, Aspose.Cells would create PdfBookmarkEntry for normal sheet. But now Aspose.Cells can also create PdfBookmarkEntry for chart sheet. Since, chart sheet does not have any other cell except cell A1, so it will create PdfBookmarkEntry for cell A1 only. Below are some important new features, enhancement and bug fixes part of this release.

? Provide an option to decide whether exporting workbook properties (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471)
? Provide an option to decide whether exporting document properties (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471)
? Create a PdfBookmarkEntry for a Chart sheet
? Fix needed for all ActiveX controls (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42442)
? Exclude unused styles when exporting Excel file to HTML (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471)
? Parts of images are truncated or missing and they do not match with original source images
? Image protrudes from the Shape in the output PDF
? Element shape is incorrect in the output HTML
? Excel to Html - Wrapping text is ignored
? XLSB file gets corrupt after opening and saving
? HTML output discrepancy - Issue with spaces
? Irrelevant data included when saving to HTML
? XLSB corrupted after re-saving
? 15 digits numbers do not match what is in MS Excel
? Margins and layout differences when comparing the output PDF (by Aspose.Cells) with the MS Excel generated PDF
? Feature does not work in Java - ResultSet
? NullPointerException occurs while loading the MS Excel file

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Find and Refresh the Nested or Children Pivot Tables of Parent Pivot Table:

- Parsing Pivot Cached Records while loading Excel file:

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Download Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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