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Algorithm Enhancement for Relative Elements Processing & Better ePUB to PDF Conversion using Java

2025-01-05 09:20:07 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Html for Java 17.9.0. Since the first release of Aspose.Html for Java, the product team has been working hard to introduce more exiting features and improvements, so that Aspose customers can take full benefit of our API. Since it is a native API for HTML files creation and manipulation in Java platform, so majority of the improvements are around manipulation of HTML file at elements level and the rendering of HTML files to supportive output formats. Apart from HTML files manipulation, Aspose.Html for Java supports the feature to read ePUB documents, where users can get the option to render output in HTML or even in PDF format. During the testing, Aspose has observed some scenarios where ePUB to PDF conversion introduced some problems related to Links present inside the document. However in recent release versions, Aspose team has made improvements regarding ePUB to PDF conversion in all such scenarios. Furthermore, there have been some complex files where HTML to PDF conversion encountered formatting issues but the team has really worked hard to cater all such complex scenarios and related issues are resolved. Besides the Bug fixes, It has also made an enhancement in API where the algorithm to create formatting context is enhanced to process relative elements and now the new behavior of API is adjusted according to W3C specification. The above mentioned improvements and enhancements are few to be mentioned but internally, It has been working on improving the API to make it robust enough to deal with majority of HTML formats. Please keep using our API and share your valuable feedback which is very much essential in improving Aspose's APIs as it helps us to align objectives as per user?s expectations.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Html for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Html for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Loading an existing HTML document:

- HTML to XPS Conversion:

Overview: Aspose.Html for Java

Aspose.Html for Java is an advanced HTML manipulation API that enables developers to perform a wide range of HTML manipulation tasks directly within Java applications. This API offers the capabilities to create as well as manipulate HTML files within users Java applications. It also provides the features to iterate through HTML elements, Nodes, extract CSS information, edit or remove HTML nodes, configure a document sandbox which affects the processing of CSS styles, rendering of HTML to PDF, XPS or raster image formats and much more.

More about Aspose.Html for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Html for Java:

- Download Aspose.Html for Java:

- Online documentation Aspose.Html for Java:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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