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Source Willing to Speak Publicly About Alleged Corruption of Albuquerque City Council Candidate

2024-07-26 04:24:00 Politics


Albuquerque, New Mexico (forpressrelease) October 9, 2017 - The Online publication has announced today that its source regarding alleged financial improprieties on the part of Robert Aragon, currently candidate for City Council, has agreed to speak publically about his experiences with Aragon. The individual has said that he will reveal his name, allow himself to be photographed, and otherwise make his identity known.

This person approached earlier this year and said that in 2006 Aragon had solicited from him a cash payment of $30,000 as part of a child custody case to "make all his legal challenges go away." This was in addition to the lawyer's regular fees.

The former client says that he paid the money and was given a handwritten receipt in return. However, he says, the $30,000 was never accounted for in Aragon's billing statements. The receipt is still in the individual's possession and he displayed it at the meeting with the Editor of this magazine. did one piece on the incident, but the publication is a journal of opinion rather than news. It therefore offered the story to any media outlet that might wish to cover what would seem to be a significant development in city politics. However, no local journalist has stepped forward to do so (see "Albuquerque Media Refuses to Report on Alleged Corruption of Republican City Council Candidate,)

In October of this year, Aragon's former client again approached and this time offered to reveal his identity to any legitimate journalist who would investigate the situation. will continue to cover this story as best it can, but also repeats its offer to assist other media outlets in doing so.

For more information, please contact Mathew Blanchfield, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Liberal

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(505) 999-9979



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