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3D Rotation Effects in Visio Drawing & Enhanced Retrieval of SolutionXML from Visio Drawings

2024-12-29 01:27:30 Computer


Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Diagram for .NET 17.5.0. The new version of the API adds a feature and enhancements along with the regular bug fixes. Developers can modify 3D rotation cell values in the shapesheet of Visio shapes. Furthermore, the retrieval of Solution XMLs from the Visio drawings has been improved. Developers can also install an Aspose.Diagram Nuget package in their .NET applications because we publish each version as a NuGet package on the NuGet gallery. We recommend our clients upgrade old version of Aspose.Diagram API to this latest one. Microsoft Visio application offers many of the formatting options used in other Office applications to users diagrams. Users can apply gradients, shadows, 3-D effects, rotations and more to Visio shapes. Developers can achieve the same features with Aspose.Diagram for .NET API in the .NET applications. In the recent version 17.5, a ThreeDFormat member is added in the Shape class which allows developers to retrieve and modify 3D rotation cell values in the shapesheet. Besides this, the mechanism of storing and retrieving SolutionXML elements from the Visio drawings has been improved because in various cases a simple open and save procedure was removing SolutionXML elements. The recent version also comprises a series of bug fixes. In general, it improves export of the VDX to SVG, open and save procedure of VSDM drawings, layout structure of connectors and an accurate calculation of the shape position in the drawing. Here is the list of important enhancements and bugs fixes in the new version.

? Add support of shape's 3D rotation properties
? Open and save process of VSDM removes SolutionXMLs
? VTX to HTML conversion, double line effect on shapes text items
? Incorrect rendering of an envelope icon on saving a VDX to SVG
? Incorrect text alignment on saving a VDX to SVG
? Retrieves an incorrect Calender value of the Shape data for VSDM
? Saving to HTML stream do not embed external resources
? Cannot set the TimeSaved value of a VSDM
? The text items are being displaced on setting shape data in VSDM
? Cannot remove and add a same named master in VSDM
? Open and save process of VSDM removes vbaProjectSignature.bin file
? Open and save process of VSDM changes Solution XML file
? Cannot save Del and NoQuickDrag values of Geoms in a VSDM
? Set TimeSaved value when saving a Visio drawing
? Open and save process of VSDM removes relationship part of Solution XML
? Displaced text on converting a VSD to PDF
? Cannot add shape data to various shapes in VSDM
? User cell UFEV value not saved correctly in VSDM
? Duplicate page xml error on copying pages from two VSDM drawings
? Non-print area is also included when converting a VSD to PDF

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Diagram for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Diagram for performing different tasks like the followings.

- 3D Rotation Effects in a Visio Drawing:

- Detect the Format of Visio File:

Overview: Aspose.Diagram for .NET

Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with MS Visio files & is a pure .NET alternate for MS Visio Object Model. It enables developers to work with VSD & VDX files on ASP.NET web applications, web services & Windows applications. It makes use of the advanced functionality of Visio's services to manipulate Visio docs on a server. Developer can open files & manipulate the elements of the diagram, from lines and fills, to more complex elements, and then export to native Visio formats or XML.

More about Aspose.Diagram for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Diagram for .NET:

-Download Aspose.Diagram for .NET:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Diagram for .NET:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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