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Add Videos from YouTube & Improved Presentation Document Properties using .NET

2025-02-18 01:45:31 Computer


We are happy to share the announcement of Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.6.0. This release has come up with some new features along with resolution of pending issues incurring in API. We have improved the presentation Documentation properties management in this product release. Now you may work with document properties in a better way. For more about how to interact with document properties, please refer to documentation article, Working with Advanced Document Properties for further reference. Now, you can also add the video from web source like YouTube inside your presentation. Please refer to documentation article, Adding Video Frame with Video from Web Source for further reference. We have improved the text management in this product release and have resolved certain pending issue like improper fonts, wrong alignment, improper and wrong bullets, wrong slide numbering and improper bordering. We have also rectified issues related to shapes like Trapezoid and oval that were getting improperly rendered in saved presentations. We have also addressed the issues related to shape gradient effects and fill overlay effects. The issues related to charts and their elements rendering have been taken care of in this release. Moreover, working with tables and SmartArt shapes have been improved as well after resolution of certain incurring issues. The support for generating of slide images, PDF and Tiff has also been improved in this release for different shape elements inside presentation decks. The presentation access and saving issues have been rectified for many presentation decks that resulted in exceptions. This list of new, improved and bug fixes in this release are given below

? Restoring support for read only document properties to make changes
? Inserting video from web in presentation
? Implement FillOverlay effect Feature
? Empty tiff is generated for exported Tiff
? Chart data fail to open in Edit mode on saving presentation
? Incorrect rendering of EA portions (shift to the right)
? Value cannot be null on saving PPTX presentation
? Value does not fall in range exception on loading presentation
? Extra digits are added to the page number footer after saving the PPT
? The title's font is changed after saving a PPT
? An oval shape is changed to rectangle after saving a PPT
? Shape gradient fill was changed in a saved PPT file
? Bullets are added after loading and saving a PPT
? A number list is changed to bullet list on saving PPT
? Presentation background gets changed in saved presentation
? An arrow shape becomes a triangle after loading and saving a PPT
? PPT title text order is reversed after loading and saving
? Images are missing in saved presentation
? Text Alignment gets changed in saved presentation
? Trapezoid shapes became triangle on saving presentation
? Bullets and arrow shapes are changed after Loading and Saving a PPT
? Images are mirrored in exported PDF
? Chart unable to plot on Primary X-Axis and Secondary Y-Axis
? Drawing text has wrong size in a thumbnail
? Animation getting changed on saving presenatation
? Extra border appears around metafile in generated PDF
? Effect getting changed in the design when saving presentation
? Throw proper exception when creating presentation from end-of-stream
? Index Out of Range exception on exporting presentation to SWF
? Problem with space between bullets and text
? Optimizing memory consumption while rendering PDF
? Exception while getting properties of a table
? Support for nested style tags with AddFromHtml method
? Problem with generated pdf
? Bigger image generated in svg and pdf
? Vertical setting problem after AddTextFrameForOverriding method
? Numbering indentation/space trimming issue
? Font height returned incorrectly
? Incorrect bullet points on load and save presentation
? Incorrect bullets on presentation load and save
? Loading a PPTX is slow because of SortedDictionary
? Date format is changed on PDF rendering
? Saving potx as PPTx gives repair message
? Argument exception on PdfNotes saving
? Wrong bullet type returned for the paragraph text
? Error C2686 in compiling call to aspose.slides ( with C++/CLI
? Font Parsing exception on loading presentation Bug
? Font parsing exception on accessing the presentation
? Font parsing exception on accessing the presentation
? Unexpected font parsing exception when opening a PPTX file
? Bullets are improperly rendered on slide with Arabic text
? Unexpected font parsing exception while opening a PPTX file
? Extra Bullet is added after cloning the slide
? End of Stream Exception on accessing the presentation
? Incorrect bullet information on paragraph while reading the PPT file
? Improper gradient rendering in generated PDF
? PPT to PDF: Faint images in PDF after conversion
? Bullets are lost when saving PPT as PPTX
? Numbered bullets changed to symbol in generated thumbnail
? Bullet offset changes on saving presentation
? The numbered bullet changed to symbol when slide thumbnail is created
? Bullets character is improperly rendered in generated presentation
? Bullets are improperly rendered in converted PPTX and exported PDF
? Bullet character is not rendered in generated PDF
? Custom bullets failed to render in exported PDF

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Slides documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Slides for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Working with Advanced Document Properties:

- Adding Video Frame with Video from Web Source:

Overview: Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides is a .NET component to read, write and modify a PowerPoint document without using MS PowerPoint. PowerPoint versions from 97-2007 and all three PowerPoint formats: PPT, POT, PPS are also supported. Now you can create, access, copy, clone, edit and delete slides in your presentations. Other features include PPT/PPTX printing, PPT to XPS format, saving PowerPoint slides into PDF, adding & modifying audio & video frames, using shapes like rectangles or ellipses and saving presentations in SVG format, streams or images.

More about Aspose.Slides for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Slides for .NET:

- Download Aspose.Slides for .NET:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Slides for .NET:

- Demos of Aspose.Slides for .NET:

- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Slides for .NET Forum:

- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Slides for .NET blog:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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