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Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches is providing residents of Palm Beach County with an up-to-date pool maintenance checklist for more advanced pool cleaning and maintenance.
Education is a key factor to successful pool ownership. Neglected pools are often the result of a lack of understanding regarding either the importance of the task or how to accomplish it. When poorly maintained, a swimming pool can go from a beneficial home improvement to a dangerous eyesore and financial liability. To combat this lack of education, Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches, a respected pool company in West Palm Beach, has put together the following pool cleaning checklist for the benefit of all pool owners.
Bi-Weekly Pool Cleaning Checklist
Empty pool skimmer and pump basket.
Vacuum pool.
Weekly Pool Maintenance Checklist
Test and adjust chemical levels of water.
pH should be between 7.4-7.6.
Free chlorine levels should be between 1-3 ppm.
Free bromine levels should be between 3-5 ppm.
Alkalinity should be between 80-120 ppm.
Test and adjust sanitizer, oxidizer, and stabilizer levels.
Clean above-water pool walls.
Check and adjust water level as needed.
Add preventative algaecide.
Check vinyl liners for rips or tears and repair as soon as possible.
Monthly Pool Maintenance & Cleaning Checklist
Test and adjust for calcium hardness (200-400 ppm).
Test and adjust for total dissolved solids (should not exceed 1500 ppm).
Conduct Langelier Saturation Index evaluation and adjust as needed.
Check for cracks in concrete, grout, or plaster and repair as soon as possible.
Check stability of handrails, ladders, and steps.
Chemically clean the pool filter.
Check the seals in the motor and pump.
This checklist provides the basics for current and potential pool owners. Those considering installing a backyard pool would do well to consider the effort required for pool maintenance in advance. Pool cleaning company staff, for a fee, can come out to a residential pool on a weekly or monthly basis to make this chore easier. However, homeowners who are considering using a pool service should be careful to choose a company with reliability and up-to-date pool sanitation knowledge.
Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches has been providing expert pool cleaning and maintenance for Palm Beach County residents for almost 30 years. Right now, new customers can get an instant $25-off coupon when they request a free consultation at Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches. A Pool Doctor representative will call the pool owner (or potential owner) to discuss their needs and help create an individualized pool maintenance program.
Company :-Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches
User :- Barbara Williams
Phone :-30270-30270-2030270
Mobile:- 561-2030270
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