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Read ActiveX Control Properties & Trim Whitespaces from Mail Merge Values in Java/.NET Apps

2024-12-23 05:47:08 Computer


Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Words for Java & .NET 15.12.0. This month?s release contains over 89 useful new features, enhancements and bug fixes to the Aspose.Words products. Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features and API changes in this month?s release, Support of Read-only access to ActiveX Control properties, Support of Default page margins, header and footer distance, column spacing depends on current culture, Introduced Overloaded method InsertOleObject in DocumentBuilder class, Introduced SuggestedFileName Property in OleFormat class, Avoid Populating Merge Fields Inside the false Part of IF Field, Support of Ruby Tags in HTML Import and support of Applying styles from the template during HTML insertion. OleControl is new public class and represents ActiveX control. OleControl class is base class for all ActiveX objects. You can check whether control is a Forms 2.0 OLE control by OleControl.IsForms2OleControl property. Type of Forms2OleControl is exposed in Forms2OleControlType.Type property. OleControl.IsForms2OleControl property will return true when control type is Forms 2.0 OLE control. Now default page margins, header/footer distance and column spacing depend on current culture to mimic MS Word behavior. For example, now all page margins are 1 for English (United States) and English (United Kingdom). Left, right, top margins are 2.5 cm; bottom margin is 2 cm for German. The new defaults are used for a new document and for a loaded document if an explicit value is not set for the mention parameters. Previous implementation of InsertOleObject expects full file name to linked object and chooses ProgId and ClsId depending on file extension. Passing internet URL reveals new use case. We can?t extract file type from URL directly, URL can refer to page in very different way. It can be, www.aspose.comindex.aspx?id=1 and so on. So Aspose.Words decided to make new method which allows customer to pass ProgId explicitly. Microsoft Word is smart enough to extract file name of embedded OLE object if it is an OutlookAttach OLE object. So Aspose.Words mimics the same behavior. If file name can not be extracted, empty string is returned. Originally, this issue was about introducing the option to control whether to populate merge field inside false part of IF field or not. However, we eventually decided that the suggested option was too specific. Thus we decided to simply make Aspose.Words avoid populating merge fields inside the false part of the field. The cleanup options are not applied too. So, false part of the IF field remains unchanged, like in MS Word mail merge preview. It also supports for Applying styles from the template during HTML insertion. That is why, the option was renamed. The list of new and improved features added in this release are given below

? Access ActiveX control properties
? New InsertOleObject method
? Preset text wrap (?follow path?, ?warp?) for DrawingML textboxes rendering implemented
? DrawingML textboxes rendering improved
? Apply styles from the template during HTML insertion
? HTML Import supports ruby tags now
? Allow programmatic access to "Selected" state of radio controls
? InsertOleObject does not insert the linked OLE
? Add feature to insert linked webpage OLE
? Support preset text wrap upon rendering DML text boxes.
? Table cell text font issue
? Contents move to next page after conversion from Docx to fixed page format
? License.IsLicensed is not supported when used via COM
? Incorrect default page margins reported
? Consider adding a way to apply styles from the template during HTML insertion
? Support programmatic access to ActiveX controls
? Query about SpecialChar
? Flips apply to WordArt incorrectly.
? List padding simulation spans writed by HTML Export aren't recognized during importing
? List Numbering changes after appending documents
? Model reports incorrect margins on loading wordml document
? '-0%' label while rendering pie chart to image.
? Character position is lowered.
? Spare new line symbol in WordArt in DrawingML.
? Appendix do not added to Table of Context.
? Office Math does not display correctly after re-saving Rtf
? DataSet.readXml throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
? Re-saving RTF with Office Math on Linux
? Textbox's text is missing in output Pdf
? Some words are trimmed from the right side.
? CSS style padding-right does not work after conversion from HTML to Pdf
? /line numbers in RTL section/ Doc to Pdf conversion issue with line numbers position
? WordML to Doc/Docx/Pdf conversion issue with table layout
? Hebrew (RTL) characters are imported incorrectly from HTML
? Style is changed after appending one document into another
? DrawingML does not render correctly in output Pdf
? InsertOleObject inserts incorrect ProgID in output document
? Doc to Doc/Docx conversion issue with Hyperlink
? Aspose.Words save as PDF/Print margin problems
? /comments/ AW produces incorrect layout when comment contains RowPart.
? Div border is lost during converting a HTML to DOC
? Faild export page size to ODT
? The initial of comment with chinese can't be displayed correctly after converted to PDF
? WORDSNET-12034 Autofit property value is not correct for nested tables
? Merge fields are corrupted during open/save a DOC
? Table Style does not import into output document while using InsertHTML
? AW incorrectly breaks row across page
? Page number alignment issue in TOC when generating PDF
? Shape position and size is changed when Docx is converted to Pdf
? When updating REF field in long document, the "/t" option is ignored
? Styles are not applied in output Docx/html
? Shape effects are lost after converting Docx to Pdf
? /comments/ Comment highlights.
? Width and height of image is changed after using DocumentBuilder.InsertImage
? conversion issue with table layout
? Space between bullet and paragraph text is increased after conversion from Docx to Doc
? Doc to Pdf conversion issue with bullet rendering
? Form field are not visible and clickable after re-saving Doc
? IMailMergeDataSource - GetValue truncates leading spaces
? List paragraph indentation issue with Odt
? Generated DOCX is corrupted
? Shape.BoundsInPoints returns incorrect value
? mmathFont points to non-existing font in fonttable in output *.rtf file.
? NodeCollection changes after ShapeBase.GetShapeRenderer() has been called
? Docx to Xps conversion issue with shapes rendering
? MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveContainingFields not working with 'Mustache' Template Syntax
? Content moves to next page in generated ODT
? Series data label font is changed after re-saving Docx
? HTML sup and vertical-align:super produce inconsistent results
? Size of rotated shape with relative size is incorrect upon rendering.
? MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions ignores leading tab of field value
? Character is changed after conversion from Rtf to Odt
? Heading text does not render in output Pdf
? Table's contents text do not render in output Pdf
? Extra empty spaces are rendered in output Pdf
? /line numbers in RTL section/ Docx to Pdf conversion issue with line numbering position
? The text within the table cells is rendered a little bit far to the left.
? Ruby tag is not supported on HTML import
? /arabic/ Characters ب and ً are displayed incorrectly while rendering to images
? Incorrect margin reported on importing html file
? Text truncate in output HTML after conversion from Docx

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Fitting all Tables to Page Width:

- How to Add Group Shape into a Word Document:

Overview: Aspose.Words

Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables .NET, Java & Android applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words for .NET to build applications with Mono.

More about Aspose.Words

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for .NET:

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for Java:

- Download Aspose.Words for .NET:

- Download Aspose.Words for Java:

- Online Demos for Aspose.Words :

- Online documentation of Aspose.Words :

- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Words Forum:

- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Words blog:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


Phone :-888-277-6734

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