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Render Worksheet to Graphics2D Context & Change Shapes Adjustment Values using Java

2025-01-05 10:06:30 Computer


We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for Java 8.5.2. This month?s release contains many useful features and improvements along with some critical bug fixes. Aspose.Cells for Java APIs have exposed an overloaded version of SheetRender.toImage method that can accept an instance of java.awt.Graphics2D along with usual parameters to render the Worksheet in Graphics2D context. This feature is helpful in scenario where you wish to get high (scalable) print quality by redirecting the Graphics2D context to PostScript printer and create a PDF from the PostScript. Aspose.Cells for Java now provides the PivotTable.getCellByDisplayName method to obtain the Cell reference by PivotField display name. This method is useful in scenarios where application requirement is to format the PivotField header in the PivotTable. Aspose.Cells for Java 8.5.2 has exposed the Geometry.getShapeAdjustValues method that can be used to make changes to the adjustment points within the shapes. Please note, Microsoft Excel application displays the adjustments points as yellow diamond nodes while allowing to change the arc for rounded rectangle, point location for triangle, top width of a trapezoid and shape of head & tail for arrows. Aspose.Cells APIs provide the means to apply Consolidation Function to DataFields (or value fields) of the PivotTable. In Microsoft Excel, you can right click the value field and then select Value Field Settings? option and then select the tab Summarize Values By. From there, you can select any Consolidation Function of your choice like Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product, Distinct Count etc. The most notable enhancements in this release includes, Exposed SaveOptions.MergeAreas property to handle scenarios if a spreadsheet has too many individual cells with validation applied, there are chances that the resultant spreadsheet may get corrupted. One possible solution is to merge the cells with identical validation rules or you can now use the SaveOptions.MergeAreas property to direct the API to auto merge the CellAreas before save operation, Improved the HTML & PDF rendering for alignment and layout, improved overall memory consumption and many more. This release includes several enhanced features and bug fixes as listed below

? Add "Distinct Count" Constant to ConsolidationFunction class in Pivot Tables
? Mismatch in alignment settings after saving Excel file to HTML file format
? AttachedFilesDirectory and AttachedFilesUrlPrefix are not working properly
? PivotField.IsRepeatItemLabels not working in the Pivot Table
? Merge & Center option got selected even it is having a single cell
? Lotus Compatibility Settings for Transition Formula Entry are changed after resaving the spreadsheet
? Too Many Validation Cells Corrupts the XLS File
? Using custom function via ICustomFunction interface does not calculate correct value
? Wrong layout when rendering PDF from an ODS file
? Cells.copyRows with conditional formatting in cells causes file size grow and performance issue
? OutOfMemoryError, Aspose.Cells holds onto millions of cells forever
? ODS to HTML Conversion - Text style issues
? Cell chart with x-axis not scale correctly when converting to pdf
? Last word on chart textbox jumps to the next line
? Value of divison issue while re-saving spreadsheet with Aspose.Cells
? Data labels are being overridden by the header section

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Render Worksheet to Graphic Context:

- Get the Cell object by DisplayName of PivotField of PivotTable:

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Download Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Demos of Aspose.Cells for Java:

- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Cells for Java Forum:

- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Cells for Java blog:

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

Company :-Aspose

User :- Sher Azam


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