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MakeMaya Announced Relations with INSD, Collaboration for Better Future

2025-03-14 06:59:17 Technology


MakeMaya is India?s first IT company to design and develop Social Sports Network. Incorporated in 2017, the company has its headquarters in New Delhi, India along with other offices in USA and Faridabad (India).
Creativity and working on new technologies are the prime focus of the company. Enthusiast for the technology company has recently built Social Sports Network and now working on ?Beacon Technology? for making the better theatre experience.
The idea is to give ease to the user going to watch movie in a Mall or any other theater, it is a ?Food Ordering App? which is going to be the biggest change in the movie experience and business which is incorporated with the new technology ?Beacon?.
After developing sports network company got some International attention too, but the company doesn?t stop their and always keen to work on new ideas.
The company has also managed to publish research paper on ?Speech Recognition? which is another feather to the hat. Started as web design service provider, company has now managed to ventured in business consultancy and digital transformation.
Apart from technology, the company has active participation in Business Consulting Services and the company has announced its relation with INSD as a Business Consultant Partner. INSD(InterNational School of Design) is among India?s top institute which provide courses like fashion designing, interior designing and many others.
In this short span of time, company has managed to spread their wings in countries like USA, Australia, Spain, Prague, UK and many others, their creative web designing and business consulting services helps business in achieving a taste of success which is USP of MakeMaya.

To know more check on MakeMaya official website.

Company :-MakeMaya

User :- Prateek Jain


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Mobile:- -7500200658

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