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Mumbai event charted progress and direction of India’s Data Centers and Cloud Transformation

2024-09-20 06:12:15 Events / Trade Shows


Mumbai, October 26, 2018: With a mission to help empower digital transformation and establish the foundation of the digital world in India, DCD>Enterprise | Mumbai event was held in St. Regis, Mumbai on October 25th 2018. Addressing the pressing themes of how the innovations of today are disrupting data centers and the cloud industry in India, the event was attended by over 400 data center professionals from industries such as IT, cloud and facility services, security, healthcare, media & entertainment, financial services, and manufacturing.

The key note speaker of the event, Brijesh Singh, IPS, Secretary & Director General Information and Public Relation, Special Inspector General of Police, Cyber, Govt of Maharashtra set down a number of the key themes for the conference. He emphasised that data protection and data residency will boost the number of data centers required in India. He also urged workplaces to educate staff in the specialised skills necessary for building and operating data centers, while stressing the need to have data centers located in the rural hinterlands of the nation as well.

Tom Winter, Managing Director APAC at Datacenter Dynamics, said ?Digital transformation has been on the radar of many companies in India and the government is also supporting the transition by investing in digital economy. However, given the size of the nation, there is still a long way to go for India to truly emerge as a data center powerhouse. India currently grapples with several challenges like shortage of data centers and power outages, along with the threats to physical security and cyber-security at these data centers.?

In order to realise the opportunities of digitalisation the conference heard how one of India?s true strategic advantages lies in its tech talent, who are also acting at the C-Level in various top tech companies, across the globe. There was some call for government to strengthen the current utility infrastructure and reduce power outages in order to realise the massive growth potential as the country is digitalising at a rapid rate. In the near future, India offers great potential for collocation and cloud companies based in India, in addition to investments from global giants such as Microsoft and Alibaba.

The conference heard how there are challenges in implementing this data transformation. Instead of keeping the implementation sector specific, the future may rest in aligning multiple industries, with the government laying down specific policies favouring this approach. India?s future could in part be driven in enterprises partnering with industry leaders. Recently, Apollo Hospital partnered with Microsoft to introduce a robust framework to manage its huge data set. Alibaba has also renewed its interest in India to capitalize on the growing business opportunity, as the digital transformation is expected to contribute USD 154 billion to India?s GDP. Today, India is second only to China as the largest and fastest-growing cloud services market in Asia Pacific. With a robust GDP growth rate, rapidly growing internet penetration, a young and tech-savvy population and the necessary technological capability to design, construct and operate the necessary infrastructure, India is poised for booming expansion in the provision and consumption of cloud services and architectures.

Over the last two years, the public cloud services market in India has seen phenomenal growth, reaching USD 1.8 billion in 2017, up from USD 1.3 billion in 2016. By 2020, it is expected to reach USD 4.1 billion. Given such immense potential, DCD>Enterprise | Mumbai also addressed the evolution of data infrastructure including cloud as key to the emergence of data transformation. This will be a defining factor in the development of enterprise solutions and establish data centers as the core of today?s data-driven businesses.

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