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FREE PCB Tools Available Online for Capturing Schematics and Drawing Layouts

2025-03-13 08:09:14 Technology


Shenzhen, Guangdong; 06, October 2015: Capturing schematics or drawing PCB layouts is not only simple and effortless, but it?s also cost-free now. EasyEDA is now offering free PCB tools on its website that one can simply use to draw circuit diagrams for their electronic projects. The spokesperson of the website reveals that the tool has been designed for engineers, educators, students and others who want to get effective layouts for their projects without spending a single penny.

The spokesperson maintains that the circuit tool has several advantageous features that allow anyone to quickly draw the schematics for their projects using the extensive libraries and components available on the website. It allows users to quickly share works online and one can also import from Altium Designer, Eagles Files and other programs. Users can also verify digital, analog or mixed signal circuits with the results obtained from the cloud based servers.

According to the spokesperson, the tool is very popular among its users because of its user friendly features. One can pick symbols and components from its extensive library in just a few clicks and can also define hotkeys for a quick and efficient online circuit design. This web based tool doesn?t require any installation and one can quickly get the circuit diagrams whenever needed.

EasyEDA is providing a complete tool suite absolutely free of cost with an approach that people will be able to complete their electronics projects easily and the cost will not prove a barrier anymore. The tool allows people to accomplish their task in a seamless cross-browser environment, which inspires a fast sharing of works and also speeds up the approval process between students and their supervisors. A user will get the URL of his/her design to share the work online with a single click. One can also embed images, wikis and blogs to make the design more impressive as well as convincing.

The website brings a simple, affordable and flexible way to draw PCB layouts. One can easily use the free tool and they have an important video tutorial for people to learn more about the tool, its use and its features. To learn more about this PCB layout tool, one may visit the website

About EasyEDA:

EasyEDA is a team of makers, hackers and engineers who have designed this free online tool for schematic capture, spice simulation and PCB layout designing. The objective of designing the tool is to help designers move from idea to manufacture prototype faster by providing comprehensive data and collaboration tools for electronic design. EasyEDA is a one-stop shop for designing electronic projects and it offers an easier EDA experience for engineers, educators, students and hobbyists to get a productive boost.

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